"Sustainability, social equality and the environment are now business problems. And corporate leaders can't depend on governments to solve them ..."
- Peter Senge, Founder, Society for Organizational Learning
Inspired by Senge's philosophy, a group of young corporate professionals came together in 2015 to set up HCP Foundation to work with grassroots initiatives for effecting positive changes in the lives of children, Youths, Old age Persons of our country.

The HCP Foundation was established by Mr. Atul Kumar Goyal with the able assistance of his wife Smt. Ruchi Goyal & Others members, in the year 2015. Among its many objectives HCP Foundation is to empower children, youth, elders and women through relevant education, innovative healthcare, Shelter and market-focused livelihood Programs. We are committed to undertaking various programs and activities for Children, Youth, Men, Women, Old age and other segments of the society irrespective of their caste, creed, age, sex, color and religion, in rural, urban and tribal areas, and resettlement colonies / clusters, to realize the ideals and objectives of the constitution of India in order to protect, promote and advocate human rights. We will also work for the social, economic and educational uplifting of these groups and develop and conduct related trainings and orientation activities. HCP Foundation believes that unless members of the civil society are involved proactively in the process of development, sustainable change will not happen.
The HCP Foundation focuses mainly on
• Providing financial assistance and maintaining schools, colleges, paths alas and other centers of learning for the education of children
• Establish schools, colleges and educational institutions for the spread of knowledge and mental growth of individuals in the country.
• Offering financial help to orphanages, old age homes and homes for rehabilitation of women who are in distressed condition.
• Offering financial assistance to physically disabled students
Vijayee Raho Scholorship
The Vijayee Raho Studentship awards are scholarships awarded by the HCP Foundation. The HCP Foundation was established by Mr. Atul Kumar Goyal with the able assistance of his wife Smt. Ruchi Goyal & Others members, in the year 2015. Among its many objectives, the HCP Foundation focuses mainly on .
1. Providing financial assistance and maintaining schools, colleges, paths alas and other centers of learning for the education of children
2. Establish schools, colleges and educational institutions for the spread of knowledge and mental growth of individuals in the country.
3. Offering financial help to orphanages, old age homes and homes for rehabilitation of women who are in distressed condition.
4. Offering financial assistance to physically disabled students
HCP-Old Age Home
We (HCP- Foundation) are going to Plain for Establishing a HCP-Old Age Home. Our old age home not only caters to physical needs of elderly person but also the moral, psychological and economical needs. HCP-Old Age Home will be a heaven for needy elders. We are committed to extend much needed love and happiness to the elders despite their age. We will conduct psychological programs and workshops for the sick and bedridden to understand their feelings. Motivating and inspiring them to understand the essence of being happy and further increase their life satisfaction which helps us to serve them better.
HCP-Old Age Home for:-
• Parents who are abandoned by their family
• Senior citizens who have no family or assets
• Women and men with diseases
• Economically incapable old people
• People who went through Elder Abuse.
HCP- Healthcare Centre
HCP Foundation is one of the most popular healthcare non-profit organizations which works in improving rural / urban healthcare in India. This NGO also deals with several other issues such as education, child rights, institutional care for the specially abled , and gender equality. HCP Foundation has also launched a healthcare camp . By coordinating with existing healthcare institutions, these are specialized camps, in rural or urban areas, that offer integrated multi-disciplinary health care services done in make shift hospital environs by a dedicated team of medical experts The HCP healthcare camp provides free checkup, diagnosis, medicines, and surgical care. These are instrumental in offering a wide range of medical services to communities residing in remote rural and tribal areas.
Blood Donation Camp
HCP foundation organize Blood Donation Camp in collaboration with different blood bank or other organization time to time in the different city of india, Blood bank team collect blood in the camp. A. K. Goyal (Secretary) ‘HCP foundation' told that inspite of the efforts of Uttarpradesh State Govt. Society and Non Govt Organizations are lagging behind in the Voluntary Blood donation campaign. For provision of 100% voluntary Blood availability, He added that we can save many lives during the causalities with the pre availability of voluntarily donated blood. So We can request the people of our countryto support us by donate blood in our camp